When you discover your true self, you also find your true motivation. It is the motivation that comes from a deep sense of purpose and meaning, from the realization that you are living your life in a way that is in line with who you really are. But who are you? Does your motivation come from what is expected of you? Or from what drives you? The fragrance 'Motivation' helps you to discover that.
Motivation from within begins with self-reflection and self-discovery. It is the journey of discovering who we really are, what makes us happy, and what our deepest desires and passions are. It is the process of exploring our inner world, examining our beliefs and values, and understanding what is truly important to us.
Motivation from within is sustainable and resilient. It is the motivation that keeps us going even when the going gets tough because we believe in what we are doing and why we are doing it. It is the motivation that enables us to overcome obstacles, endure setbacks and ultimately reach our full potential.
But motivation from within is also fragile. It requires us to be honest with ourselves, to face our fears and doubts, and to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and take risks. It requires us to be courageous, determined and true to ourselves. A beautiful life mission!